Author Topic: Disabling command phrase generation  (Read 2478 times)


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Disabling command phrase generation
« on: April 01, 2019, 01:31:46 PM »
When importing a profile making extensive use of dynamic command sections, and numeric ranges in particular, VoiceAttack can freeze for several minutes.

An option to bypass this process would be useful, as until it completes there is no way to remedy the situation(either by editing the profile or removing it).

Perhaps this could be a command line switch, or even a checkbox on the Ctrl-Shift window.

A warning ahead of time would also be useful, possibly with an option to proceed without generating phrases(to allow editing first), or aborting the import.

If the phrase count is stored to the .vap on export(at which point it would be known as the profile has already been loaded and processed), this would require no calculation on the importing computer(which could be much slower than the profile creator's, who may not notice issues with a larger profile).


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Re: Disabling command phrase generation
« Reply #1 on: April 01, 2019, 08:34:01 PM »
Wondering if something as simple as a warning similar to when a command is added would suffice - 'This will import X commands that expand into Y zillion phrases and may take some time to load.'


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Re: Disabling command phrase generation
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2019, 07:40:51 AM »
The profile that led to this feature request took so long to load I gave up(around the 10 minute mark), killed the process, and reverted to a database backup(as I couldn't load it to delete it).

Now, I wanted to time how long it took exactly, so I set it up importing and started a stopwatch.
I specifically remember thinking "I should make sure to mention I don't have that option to generate command segment info on", but around the 35 minute mark I had a "wait a minute..." moment and checked the config file, which revealed that it was actually on(I must have swapped out the config going back through older versions in between).
After turning it off(I loaded another profile using the command line option to get VoiceAttack to load, though I could have modified the config file manually as well) the profile loaded in a ten-ish seconds.

So, perhaps that message should include a checkbox to turn off that option if it's on(it may be on for a specific profile that doesn't cause loading issues, which would be easy enough to forget).