Author Topic: Voice Attack Activating With No Inputs  (Read 2829 times)


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Voice Attack Activating With No Inputs
« on: January 08, 2018, 04:36:52 AM »
Having an odd one and I suspect it's VA itself rather than the HCS voice profile for Elite Dangerous that's causing it. Basically my Voice Attack is recognising a sound that is not words as something (and carrying out the action) or it can be dead silent and VA will do something.

I've got adaptive learning on as I am not in a noisy environment (home office where it is literally just me and sometimes the wife's dog when she is at work).

The most common ones from HCS series of commands are "lock on" and "invoke on", I've played with confidence levels right the way up to 90-95% and all that does it make VA more confident that what it has "recognised" is correct. Earlier today I muted my microphone completely as I was on a phone call and looking through the VA log it had tried to do four commands (but all of these were returned as below the confidence level)

I usually use the boom mic on my headphones but have tried a good quality desk mic (all be it a USB one) and I get the same results.

Is there any way (barring uninstalling VA) to clear the "learnt" cache and start over? I can be patient waiting for it to get my commands right I just can't stand it doing random stuff (sometimes at critical moments) or not recognising what I have said because I have had to wind the confidence filter right the way up high.

Otherwise I've been really pleased with VA and what both it and the HCS packs add to my E:D experience. I want to get this working 100% because I really do like what you've done.


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Re: Voice Attack Activating With No Inputs
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2018, 07:51:03 AM »
Hi, Dante.

You'll want to take a look at this thread:

This will cover pretty much everything that I've learned over the years and was put there to help out folks in your same exact situation, including info on how to blow away the cache you are speaking of.

Hope that helps!


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Re: Voice Attack Activating With No Inputs
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2018, 02:01:38 AM »
Thanks for that, I did do a search for stuff like that and it didn't show up.

Looks like it is line noise as the problem went away completely when I reduced the input gain (no boost on either).

However it looks like the speech engine is randomly adjusting it back up to 91 (where it starts to have issues again). The speech engine seems to want the mic there for "green" levels in training (looking at your post here but this is clearly too high for VA as I then get the line artifact issues described in your post you linked. I'm going to have a few more goes at training the speech engine that it doesn't actually NEED to set the input levels that high!

Thanks again

Edit: Update, I've managed to "fool" the Windows voice recognition by putting boost up to max (+30 db) so it then auto adjusted to around the 70 mark on the main levels then closed out the trainer, removed the microphone boost and VA is now happy with 70-75 on the levels and speech engine is not auto adjusting levels in the background still.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 04:33:12 AM by Dante_C »