I did something similar to this in Autohotkey (to read the file, progress to next one in list), and used Voice Attack to press the relevant button combo to copy the line into clipboard, and then get VA to open the map and then Ctrl+V the destination into the box).
Mine did a bit more as it kept track of where it was between sessions, so all I had to do was load it up (select the route I was on), and then away I go.
Base AHK code follows:
#IfWinActive ahk_exe EliteDangerous64.exe
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
FileSelectFile, routefile, RootDir\Filename, *.txt
IniRead, i, route.ini, %routefile%, Number, 0
FileReadLine, clipboard, %routefile%, ++i
StopNumber = %i%
IniWrite, %StopNumber%, route.ini, %routefile%, Number
Should point out that this is just one direction (go forward), but with some planning, it can work backwards/reset route etc