Author Topic: Best way to request confirmation/password?  (Read 9256 times)


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Best way to request confirmation/password?
« on: June 01, 2016, 02:51:51 PM »
Hey guys, I know I have been posting a lot, I have a lot of questions but also I figure the questions I've been having lots of others might have as well so consolidating the answers to this subforum is probably a good thing all around!

Anyway, I have a command that ejects all my ship's cargo.  It is a dangerous command so I want a passphrase to act as a sort of confirmation.  The basic flow I want is:

I say "Computer eject all cargo" 
The computer responds wtih "Override code required"
I say "Override code alpha omega charlie two four"
Computer says "Ovverride accepted, ejecting all cargo" and then it ejects all cargo. 

What would be the best way to do this.  I've been thinking about it but I can't quite come up with a solution.


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Re: Best way to request confirmation/password?
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2016, 03:04:26 PM »
This one has been answered before here:


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Re: Best way to request confirmation/password?
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2016, 03:15:47 PM »
Slan is probably right in letting you learn how to do it for yourself, but I was putting this together already, so use it if you want.

The basic concept is setting a variable to see whether the confirmation is requested:

Command 1, "Computer eject all cargo"
Code: [Select]
Say, 'Override code required'
Set Boolean [CargoEjectRequested] to True

Command 2, "Override code alpha omega charlie two four"
Code: [Select]
Begin Boolean Compare : [CargoEjectRequested] Equals True
    Say, 'Override accepted, ejecting all cargo'
    Press Left Shift+E keys and hold for 0,06 seconds and release
    Set Boolean [CargoEjectRequested] to False
    Say, 'Error, no command input'
End Condition


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Re: Best way to request confirmation/password?
« Reply #3 on: June 01, 2016, 04:30:26 PM »
Just as an aside, it's a good learning thing to try and do a lot of stuff like this with VA, and your idea of hiding dangerous commands like that within a safe place is a good one. Personally though, some things I just keep manual, even though it means I may have to do it slower or while in the middle of something else.

Boost is a perfect example. I recall seeing early users of VA trying to map everything, including boost, and discovering what a mistaken sound can do to them inside a station. Joystick stuff is another. I played with an auto evade one that would randomly move the ship thrusters around as I was fleeing. It worked...too well. I set it off one day by accident and had to struggle with both turning it off and recovery at the same time.

So my rule is, I fly the ship. She can do other auxiliary things for me that if done wrong I can go fix without any major problems, but I'm the commander of my vessel. The most I'll let her do is thruster up on a takeoff to get it ready to go, but her line to me after that is "Ship is yours, sir."

Not a critique of how you build your profile, we all prefer different things, and you have to fly with what works for you. Just a bit of a warning and personal view from someone who has tried a few things and found them a bit too dangerous to trust to the ship's AI.


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Re: Best way to request confirmation/password?
« Reply #4 on: June 01, 2016, 11:22:06 PM »
Hey man just wanted to say I totally agree.  That being said I have implemented a pretty rigoroous safety protocol.  In order to pass any command to the ship I have to preface the command with "computer".  Listening is disabled and that is the override listening phrase.  I went a bit deeper though and I can turn on and off that safety protocol at will.  Also if I just say "Computer" the system tells me its listening and will accept one safety protocol free command.

Its actually a pretty robust system, I might post it here when I'm done.


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Re: Best way to request confirmation/password?
« Reply #5 on: June 01, 2016, 11:32:23 PM »
I added the minimum confidence feature just because of watching Geekdomo's video of him crashing his new ship ;)

I would add some minimum confidence checking on any critical, short-phrase commands.


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Re: Best way to request confirmation/password?
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2016, 04:18:53 AM »
Just as an aside, it's a good learning thing to try and do a lot of stuff like this with VA, and your idea of hiding dangerous commands like that within a safe place is a good one. Personally though, some things I just keep manual, even though it means I may have to do it slower or while in the middle of something else.

Boost is a perfect example. I recall seeing early users of VA trying to map everything, including boost, and discovering what a mistaken sound can do to them inside a station. Joystick stuff is another. I played with an auto evade one that would randomly move the ship thrusters around as I was fleeing. It worked...too well. I set it off one day by accident and had to struggle with both turning it off and recovery at the same time.

So my rule is, I fly the ship. She can do other auxiliary things for me that if done wrong I can go fix without any major problems, but I'm the commander of my vessel. The most I'll let her do is thruster up on a takeoff to get it ready to go, but her line to me after that is "Ship is yours, sir."

Not a critique of how you build your profile, we all prefer different things, and you have to fly with what works for you. Just a bit of a warning and personal view from someone who has tried a few things and found them a bit too dangerous to trust to the ship's AI.

I am along the same lines... which is why I tend to also fight against "too much automation" stuff in the HCS profiles.

On the plus side: I love fiddling with the profiles/tweaking stuff.. and the major part of working out *how* to do something is manually going through it, step by step, taking note of the stuff... and then seeing what features you need for something to fire off.

Hell, setting the confidence level to 90 for "Critical commands" can easily act as a "weak" password of sorts (especially if your normal confidence levels for speech is in the 70's)