Author Topic: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.  (Read 4063 times)


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Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« on: July 25, 2017, 11:01:25 AM »
Hi, and thks for your help.

i can désactive vocal listening in a prefix/suffix with dynamics, but it is impossible to use dynamics command to réactivate listenning by vocal command.  it is working properly in a full standards command..

there is a solution to implement, to give a spécial attention from AV to listen from a spécial dynamic command ?


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Re: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2017, 11:05:46 AM »
If the, 'Start Listening' action is the first item in the command, it will work.  It's a way to get around you turning off listening.  If you search the help document for the action, 'Make VoiceAttack Start Listening', you'll see it in there.  There's a lot in the help document.  Hoping to have a French version soon (and German and Spanish).


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Re: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2017, 01:31:42 PM »
GASP..... so it is limiting possibilities. i cant do that:
Code: [Select]
Begin Text Compare : [VarAction] Equals 'désactiver'
    Stop VoiceAttack listening
    Enable Hotkeys
End Condition
Begin Text Compare : [VarAction] Equals 'activer'
    Start VoiceAttack listening
    Enable Hotkeys
End Condition


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Re: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« Reply #3 on: July 25, 2017, 01:41:15 PM »
I don't understand how it's limiting possibilities.  You are turning OFF listening with an action and expecting VA to continue listening.  VA stops listening when you tell it to, so the normal thought would be that VA accepts no more voice commands.

However as a *special*, rather hidden element, if you create a spoken command and put a, 'start listening' action as the very FIRST action, VA will treat that command as if listening was turned on.  You can always add another, 'stop listening' action at the end of the command if you want listening to be turned back off when the command completes.


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Re: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« Reply #4 on: July 26, 2017, 03:43:40 AM »
yep, i had do that. i must create a full command  without prefix/suffix.  so this function cannot take the same dynamic schem to be activated/déactivated because of name conflicts. So there is only one possibilities i must memorize to do it. that is the first limitation.

possible prefixed dynamics commands:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
(arrête;arrêter;désactive;désactiver;stopper;stoppe;arrêt;coupe;couper;rentre;rentrer;ferme;fermer;fin)suffixed dynamics:
Code: [Select]
(commande;reconnaissance) (vocales;audio;parole)
so i can spoke "active la reconnaissance vocale" to logicaly activate vocal command and "désactive la commande vocale" to déactivate it in the same dynamic suffix vocal command. see that i have more than this possibilities to call this function ( dynamics powa ). To resume, my suffix action depend on action vars initialized on prefix verb commands. So in facts it is the object who determined what i can do with him, and ignore others possibilities even if they were recognized.
unfortunately i must create another full command with another name to réactivate listenning because i can't use an existing command name generated by a dynamic/prefixed command (tested).

again, unfortunately with my method i must do a conditional test to get the action verb first, before doing the action.( see last message) that's the second limitation.

I dont know how you activate listenning with a vocal command,  but, In profil option you could add a list where to specify commands(dynamics or not) manually,  capable to reactivate listening mode when spoken even if the activation methode isnt at the first line. ( the listenning engine must only seek these specifics commands) it should be a sécure method to personalize the réactivation without interfer with the scripting method. maybe...

could you ?

ps: this method have compacted more than 300 commands in 40..... that is the best way i have found to opérate a natural speaking voice command interpreter. so i don't want to change this method. in addition, the code is more clear and visible. ( you 'll have a really good product when resulted )
« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 04:17:42 AM by megs »


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Re: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« Reply #5 on: July 26, 2017, 08:56:29 AM »
I dont know how you activate listenning with a vocal command,  but, In profil option you could add a list where to specify commands(dynamics or not) manually,  capable to reactivate listening mode when spoken even if the activation methode isnt at the first line. ( the listenning engine must only seek these specifics commands) it should be a sécure method to personalize the réactivation without interfer with the scripting method. maybe...

If I gather what you are asking correctly, you are wanting to have a list at the profile level of commands that can turn listening back on, right?

If that is what you are asking for, you can do that already.  Just add one command with all the phrases you would like to use in which that command has a first action that is a, 'Start Listening' action:

When I say:
listen;attention;wake up;rise and shine;hey voice attack;any other thing you may ever want to say

Start Listening  <--- Just one action in the list.

The reason this is not in the profile options is because it works in line with the internal command structure.  So when VA doesn't find a match in the command list, it doesn't have to go look in other places to see if there's something else to do.


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Re: Restart listenning whith and vocal command problem.
« Reply #6 on: July 26, 2017, 12:48:57 PM »
If I gather what you are asking correctly, you are wanting to have a list at the profile level of commands that can turn listening back on, right?


If that is what you are asking for, you can do that already.  Just add one command with all the phrases you would like to use in which that command has a first action that is a, 'Start Listening' action:

 :o, so my code will be this one ?:
Code: [Select]
Start VoiceAttack listening
Begin Text Compare : [VarAction] Equals 'désactiver'
    Stop VoiceAttack listening
    Enable Hotkeys
End Condition
Begin Text Compare : [VarAction] Equals 'activer'
    Start VoiceAttack listening
    Enable Hotkeys
End Condition

that is not working at all


ok prefix is the first command activated so the voice attack listenning must be here...

But there is a problem... now voice attack is activating even if i use another sufix command not used to activate it..   activate bed, activate car lauch..( all suffixes command who use activate command turn listenning on... thats not the objective.

returning to start.....

« Last Edit: July 26, 2017, 01:04:16 PM by megs »