i'm just stuck on actually getting the Number verbally in the system.
There are two main options, one already presented:
When I say: Pass Number*
This uses a wildcard, meaning only one command phrase is generated, which minimizes profile loadtime, however recognition relies on dictation(I.E. the speech engine can't match what you say to a pre-determined phrase, so it has to "guess"). You'll want to try it and determine whether it's accurate enough for you.
Use the following action to get the data into VoiceAttack:
Set integer [input] value to the converted value of {TXTNUM:"{CMD}"}
The alternative is to generate phrase variations for all possible numbers:
Pass number [50..1230]Same action applies to get the data into VoiceAttack.
This will increase the profile loadtime, as it'll generate 1180 phrases, but it should be more accurate.