Disclaimer: I'm still playing with this, so it's not a polished product, plus the profile commands here come out of my larger one, so there's a few included things that are specific to my housekeeping of variables and of Elite Dangerous' comms chat window. But it's not very complex what's here, so could easily be edited and used for similar things. Also, while the site I'm utilizing is open access, if it goes away (like other APIs have in the past) obviously this won't work anymore.
So the basic concept: I found a site that will listen to your microphone when triggered and through Google's cloud processing (it only works in Chrome right now, using HTML5 stuff that no one else supports yet) dictate what you say into its window, then let you do things with that text result. VA has the ability to focus on different windows as well as manipulate the mouse and keys, so I had an inspiration, given past lackluster results with using Windows built in dictation results.
Here's how it works. When you give a command to start a message in the chat window, VA first goes to the microphone on this site in Chrome and turns it on. Then it goes to Elite Dangerous' window, opens the comms panel, and inserts the first few keys to either do a local broadcast, direct, or a reply, depending on what command you spoke. When you're done speaking the text, you use a key to signal that you're finished. That triggers VA to go to Chrome, cut off the mic, put the text into the clipboard, do some housekeeping stuff on the site (may not be needed but I wanted ever time to start clean) and then paste the clipboard into the comms panel and hits Enter, delivering the message. I also have a command to cancel, if the dictation was bad or if you changed your mind.
If you decide to try or use this, the main thing you'll have to adjust in the VA code is where the mouse goes to click each thing. I have the window sized small, so if you got it the same dimension it should work as is, given it's using coordinates from the left corner. You'll also have to have both Chrome open at the site plus the game or app, as VA will get an error if it doesn't find it. Also, the commands for the chat panel may need editing, as they're mine in the game, but may differ for others' ED and certainly would need to be changed for a different purpose.
The profile attached is the several commands I am using for this particular function. The website is
https://speechnotes.co/. If you use Chrome for other stuff you should be able to open it in a new window or maybe even in just a tab will work. I don't, so I just installed it and made this the start page.
Seems like a nice wall of text there. Let me know of any questions, suggestions, improvements, etc.