Mouse shortcuts do not work on a "clean" install yet.
"-nomouse" disabled mouse shortcuts when they were previously working(though the UI button remained unchanged), however mouse tokens keep working(VoiceAttack documentation states it's supposed to disable the hook entirely).
To clarify, this is on startup; "-nomouse" does not affect a running instance, as stated in the documentation.
The duplicate in the documentation has been removed, so that's one thing fixed completely
EDIT: Retested to rule out it automagically fixing itself, still an issue with v1.6.1.35 on my machine.
EDIT#2: Retested again(re-retested?) with v1.6.7.3, same behavior, still an issue.
That said, I can add some new information to this:
The config file is not the culprit, as even with my normal, licensed, used-for-years file, the issue presents itself.
When removing the profile database, the default "My Profile" profile will not have working mouse shortcuts,
however, if another profile is created, that profile will have working shortcuts immediately after adding a command that has them active, and saving the profile.
When switching back to the default profile, mouse shortcuts will then work there as well.
The issue is not with said default profile, however, as creating a few dummy profiles containing dummy commands, then restarting VoiceAttack and adding a mouse-shortcut-triggered command to one of them, will still result in mouse shortcuts not working until either switching to another profile and back, or restarting VoiceAttack.