Some users choose to post their profiles in this forum section, but others do not.
For Elite:Dangerous, there are user-created profiles available, which may be found using a search engine.
AlterNERDtive's profiles,
"Vector Sigma", or
"K.I.C.S."; the latter is no longer supported by its author, these are not intended as endorsements.
For a fully-featured prebuilt profile, many users choose products from a third party:
HCS Voice PacksThose products have a number of advanced features, pre-recorded voice acting, use a custom plugin to retrieve data from the game, and are kept up-to-date by the authors.
Others may opt to build their own profile, often with the aid of user-created plugins like
EDDI, to retrieve data from the game, and
BindED to automatically retrieve the game's keyboard control assignments.