Author Topic: Hey everyone I'm new and willing to learn.  (Read 5179 times)


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Hey everyone I'm new and willing to learn.
« on: January 16, 2017, 02:42:50 PM »
TL;DR at the bottom sorry for the format.
So I recently (this last Friday) downloaded the Orion and Cecil Voice packs. After downloading I ran the .exe files and did the set up procedures. From what I can tell after the short time I have had to use the packs everything seems to be working well I do, however have some questions.

ORION- I guess the FIRST question I have about this pack lies in the Keybindings portion of the commands list. Why are all of these commands grayed out? They look like ((command))(voice disabled) Admittedly when the set up guide was going over the key bindings portion and I tried to "import commands" through the commands screen I was unable to find the custom 1.8 commands through the path provided, I did end up finding them through another path by going through the C: drive and manually finding the .binds folder for elite dangerous, however I don't know how to implement them without going through the "import commands" tab in the commands list. That's my first question, why is that section grayed out and how do I import my key bindings into voice attack without using the import commands button. 
   SECOND question involves Verity. Pretty straightforward, I'm just wondering if the Orion pack uses the full verity pack or if it is just, for the lack of a better term "sound bites" from her galaxepedia commands. I guess what I'm asking is if I can communicate with verity directly or does it always have to be superseded by Orion saying something like "acknowledged, Verity would you mind Telling the commander about that?" If I ask something like "what is a black hole?",  can I just say "Verity what is a black hole?" and treat them like two separate sources of information or is it pre-scripted to include ORION?
THIRD question I have is what are the other .VAP files in the ORION folder? I'm listing them from memory here so don't fault me if I get the names wrong. I believe the first one was called ORIONfullhouse.VAP which I created a profile for and has been working beautifully. The second file is GAURDIANS.VAP  I think and the third is the VAP for the ORION guided tour. My question is, do I need to create a profile for each of these files or should I just add GAURDIANS and the TOUR files to the FULL HOUSE file?
And FOURTH how do I set ORION up to voice search the galaxy map? 

CECIL- Ok so Cecil is fantastic I only had him active for a little while but the VAP is absolutely hilarious. The first question is how do I go about using ORION and Cecil together Cecil isn't intended for controlling the ship I get that. He is there to provide witty banter and act as a .... friend...confidant.... lov-er never mind, point is he's not intended for voice commands so can I utilize ORION alongside Cecil and how would I go about doing that? I noticed in the CECIL folder there are multiple .VAP files as well, one is for Cecil the other is CecilSF for the srv comms and then there is one for Cecil+Midnight (does that include the midnight VAP as well?)  and then a fuzzyduck.VAP really it's the same question from the ORION section do I need to make a separate VA profile for each of these or do I put them all into one?

SUPER SPECIAL BONUS QUESTION SECTION: This Question is in regards to the EDDI software so if any of you have used this software I hope you can help. I know this may not be the right place at all.
 First things first full disclosure, I do believe I had voice attack running when I was doing the config for EDDI (GASP) am I boned? I finished up the setup for EDDI did all the enter your info here bits, created an account for EDSM and loaded the VAP profile into VA but I'm not getting  any responses when i access the EDDI profile in VA it says there is an update available(mine is the most current). EDSM is not tracking my play and the voice is not enabling when I jump. does that VAP need to be added to another profile or does it need to be run as a plug in  if it needs to be run as a plug-in through one of my profiles how do I do that? 
In summary, I'm a noob to all of this stuff, and in keeping with true noob tradition I may have some pretty simple questions that can be answered by saying, "just do this, then this, then this you idiot."
 But if you took the time to read this then thank you. And if you found it in your heart to take the time and answer a few questions then a most sincere thank you. (I'm running on Windows 8.1 64 bit and all the programs discussed in this topic are up to date.)

My questions:
1.Why is the section under keybindings grayed out in ORION FULL HOUSE.VAP? Looks like [((command))(voice disabled)]  Can I transfer my keybindings without using "Import Command"?
2. Does the ORION VAP come with the full Verity VAP or just the sound bites from galaxepedia?   
3. What are the other .VAP files in the ORION folder are they meant to have their own VA profiles set up? Or should they be added to the ORION FULL HOUSE.VAP in voice attack?
4. How can I make it so ORION searches the galaxy map by voice command Ex. "ORION plot a course for the Tau Ceti system." the intended action being ((the galaxy map opening> the search bar being highlighted>  the name of the system being typed in> the search button pressed> the map being directed to that system.))
5. How can I make ORION and Cecil part of the same profile?
6. These other .VAP files in Cecil i.e. fuzzy duck and Cecil+Midnight CecilSF do they need their own VA profiles or can I lump all of my HSC voice packs into the same profile and call it a day?
7. Please help me with EDDI an up to date tutorial might be needed in short I may have been running the config file with VA opened (don't laugh)
If this isn't the right area for this topic please forgive me and point me in the right direction. Thanks again!


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Re: Hey everyone I'm new and willing to learn.
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 05:28:45 AM »
Hi there and welcome,

Looks like most of your questions are HCS related rather than Voiceattack related.
Probably better asking the questions on their forums, more likely to have someone with the answer there.