Author Topic: Hello World - Text Variables  (Read 3301 times)


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Hello World - Text Variables
« on: January 10, 2017, 12:15:09 PM »

I'm brand new to the forum though I've been using Voice Attack for about eighteen months with Elite:Dangerous.  I started off with the HCS 'Astra' pack but have steadily replaced much of it with my own (not very sophisticated) commands.  I took a break from Elite for about six months and have just started playing again but one of my own VA commands that used to work perfectly well has stopped doing so, and it's driving me nuts. 

The idea is that VA places a pre-determined message into ED's Quick Comms panel and broadcasts it immediately.  This used to work and I have half a dozen standard messages which I frequently used.  Now, however, characters within the text seem to be triggering ship events.  For example 'Hello' used to broadcast a friendly greeting, but now it lowers the landing gear (bound to the 'L' key), while 'Hello CMDR' does the landing gear again and then fires chaff (the 'C' key...).  To make matters worse, this doesn't always happen, just most of the time (about 60%).

I'm using two routines.  The main command places the text into a text variable and then calls the second routine which opens Elite's Quick Comms box, types the variable using Quick Input and then sends it.  I've been fiddling around with it for hours thinking it might be a timing issue but I'm getting nowhere.  Can anyone please tell me where I'm going wrong?  This is my very unambitious code (the [ENTER] key toggles the Quick Comms panel in Elite):

When I Say 'Hello World'

Code: [Select]
Set Text [OutgoingMessage] to 'Hello World'
Execute command, '((Send Message))' (and wait until it completes)

((Send Message))

Code: [Select]
Press Enter key and hold for 0.02 seconds and release
Pause 0.5 seconds
Quick Input, '{TXT:OutgoingMessage}'
Pause 0.5 seconds
Press Enter key and hold for 0.02 seconds and release

To reiterate, this seems to work fine about one time in three, but mostly it just opens the comms panel, loses the focus and lowers the landing gear!  Everything else in my VA suite seems to be working perfectly though this is the only command that uses the Quick Input function.  I'm running v1.6.1 under Windows 10, and the 64-bit version of ED Horizons.  Any help would be gratefully received.



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Re: Hello World - Text Variables
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2017, 03:59:32 PM »
Answered my own question!  It was the keypress timing after all.  Just increased to 0.03sec - back to normal. 

Thanks anyway.