This is in part a pickup from foxpur's post on the brilliant use of VA to improve quality of life. many who read that brief thread, I came away wondering how they did this or that, but moreso wondering how far one could take such an effort. It struck me to pose the question here in hopes of gathering suggestions, stories of successful or failed experiments, etc.
Some of the ideas that make the list strike me as:
1 - integrating with existing home automation kits like iHome or other modern modular system
2 - working with smart IoT devices like a NEST thermostat
3 - working with applications like iTunes or a Mail/Messaging client or Calendar
4 - working with a land-line or mobile phone (something I did long ago in my phlink days...) This has notable impact on the ability to place an emergency call when you are on the floor and unable to reach a phone. TTS or pre-recorded data could be triggered to provide a 911 operator with a wealth of vital static info (blood type, DOB, medical history, etc.)
5 - creating a voice-driven RSS reader for things like news feeds (but presumably any text content I suppose)
I realize that any single item above might be a huge effort, but also know that some of these may have already been cracked (I'm hardly the first person to go down this line). I am hoping there is enough interest that this thread, or a prior thread in the works, to serve as a collecting point for like minds on the subject. The benefits could be transformative, not just for the disabled but also the elderly (I have a mobility-challenged parent in my family who finds technology fascinating but overwhelming).
I'd love to see where the rabbit hole leads on this topic.