Sure! There are options in the Mouse Move Action window to save the current position and to recall the mouse to that saved position - in my experience, for logic and flow, it is best to fully restrict the mouse before any of these actions, and then to be sure to unrestrict the mouse at the very end of the command.
You might even consider a "dummy" command by voice to unlock the mouse, with the only action in it to do this very thing... that way, if things go sideways as you are testing/building commands, you can easily affect a mouse unlock action without having to close VoiceAttack itself to regain control.
Fully restrict mouse movement
Save current mouse location
Move mouse cursor to screen coordinates (1507, 777)
Pause 0.075 seconds
Click left mouse button [duration 0.16 seconds]
Pause 0.075 seconds
Recall saved mouse location
Unrestrict mouse movement
Say, 'done' or 'set'