Author Topic: OH-58D Voice attack troubles  (Read 983 times)


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OH-58D Voice attack troubles
« on: February 10, 2025, 07:08:46 AM »
I’ve got OH-58D Voice attack troubles!  Picture enclosed shows words recognized ‘f one’ thru ‘f six’ showing as being recognized and shows in game just fine… YEA!!!  ALL OTHER commands, if spoken right, as in ‘barundus set 60 knots’ show as being recognized BUT are in fact totally unresponsive in game!  Out of 300 plus commands I only get 6??   All I have are my ‘f numbers’ working.  I have written VoiceAttack forum and had over 150 plus views but not one single piece of HELP,  I have written Bailey as per your sugestions who wrote the mod on his web page but have seen no help and it has been weeks. I am hoping someone will come to my assistance.


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Re: OH-58D Voice attack troubles
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2025, 09:18:19 AM »
Being that commands are recognized, it's not a matter of speech recognition.  Some commands work, but others do not eliminates permissions being the problem.  Since this is Bailey's profile, I'm pretty sure they've covered proper key actions (like making sure a corresponding key up follows a key down). 

That leaves incorrect key timing (keys are pressed down and then released too quickly), incorrect key bindings  (pressing the X key while the game expects Y to be pressed), or incorrect key sequences (navigating a menu, for example - Bailey probably has this covered unless there has been a change in the game).

Make sure that the keys that are being pressed in the commands that do not work have the correct key bindings.  If you can confirm that the key bindings are what they should be, you will want to play with the timing of the keys - that is, make sure the pause that is between the key down and key up is long enough for the game to pick up that something has happened.  You would then want to make sure the commands are actually doing everything they're supposed to be doing.  Try simulating what the command would do by pressing keys manually, and compare what you are doing to the actions within the command.

If you are unable to make this work, please upload a screenshot of the actions within a command that do not work, along with a screenshot of a similar command that does work here (or, you can come by the VA Discord and share there:  Somebody may be able to spot what it is that you're missing.

Hope that helps!