Author Topic: Voice Attack is seeing some of my joystick buttons, but not all of them..  (Read 255 times)


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Not sure if it's a limitation of VA or something is wrong.  It's a TWCS throttle and these "buttons" are the paddles on the front.  It looks like in programs, they are seen as axis controls, however.  Is that the reason why?


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Re: Voice Attack is seeing some of my joystick buttons, but not all of them..
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2024, 12:59:50 PM »
That could be the reason. You could confirm this by examining the properties of this controller.  First, press the Start button in Windows, and type "game controller" ... select the "Set up USB game controllers" utility.  Next, select the game controller you want to view in this list and press the 'Properties' button:

From the Properties screen, under the 'Test' tab along the top, we can see every button and axis of this controller.  Move the control you are curious about and observe what it affects in the Properties screen.  If it is indeed an axis, it should be apparent here - an axis cannot be set as a Joystick button press trigger for a command in VoiceAttack: