Apparently, VoiceAttack refuses to process RegEx expressions with curly brackets in them. The documentation is silent on this matter, and only describes the token {TXTREGEXREPLACE:}; it would be very helpful if it included a note on the limitations to RegEx, as processed through this token.
Unless, of course, it's a bug.At present, are there any workarounds to this?
I tested this with the token
{TXTREGEXREPLACE:MyTxtVar:Match:Replace}, used in setting a (new) text variable, with "
MyTxtVar" set to "15th of March", "
Replace" set to "" (empty), and "
Match" set to:
- "\d\d\w\w\sof\s", which matched the first part of the date correctly (output: "March"),
- "\d+\w+\sof\s", which also matched the first part of the date (output: "March"),
- "\d{1,2}\w{2}\sof\s", which matched nothing (output: "15th of March").
Full command tested:
Set text [MyTxtVar] to '15th of March'
Set text [Match] to '\d{1,2}\w{2}\sof\s'
Set text [Replace] to "
Set text [ProcessedText] to '{TXTREGEXREPLACE:MyTxtVar:Match:Replace}'
Quick Input, '{TXT:ProcessedText)'