S'all good.
I think a better analogy would be bringing a car to the mechanic because the custom car alarm that worked perfectly on your old car to connect to your smartphone is not functioning correctly now when you try to connect your smartphone, and you tried updating the smartphone connect app and Android OS, verified the alarm system was installed properly on the new car according to directions, but still doesn't work. The mechanic at the car alarm shop installs an updated beta firmware to the alarm system and it all of a sudden works as designed and expected, as if it wasn't designed to anticipate the new & more modern car systems because they use new tricks, and merely needed that tiny update.
The reason I suspected it was something along these lines was because you stated you are using Windows 11 (in its first years), and much like when Windows 10 came out while everyone was still using Win7, some applications did not play properly on Win10 until either the OS itself got its act together or the application was able to address an issue specific to a different operating environment.
The specifics of why may not be apparent outside a development environment where features like Just In Time debugging might pop up, or where certain areas of the code could be tested with some line-by-line step-through, etc.
Always nice when we can discover for ourselves why something was not working and present a clear reproduction case and variables/states to change, and I'm sure developers appreciate that too, but it's just not always possible. C'est la vie