Author Topic: ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring  (Read 806 times)


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ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring
« on: September 13, 2022, 06:40:03 PM »
Apologies if I am rehashing something everyone knows.  I tried to search and almost but not quite found an answer.

My ED profile has a command that checks the hardpoints and retracts them, if necessary, before jumping.  Been away from ED enjoying some other games and now that I returned it isn't working anymore.  My research hints that Frontier changed something so that it is no longer works.  Is this correct?

Maybe important?
* I lost my old machine and had to reinstall both ED & VA.
* Was able to recover my VA profiles.
* Have confirmed that my VA commands are using the correct in-game commands.
* Have proven to myself that the Conditional If Statement isn't detecting the hardpoints when deployed by inserting a simple "say" statement post check.  VA doesn't execute the "say" so I know the nested commands are not being executed.
* Can manually toggle hard points back and forth and retry the jump command and VA still won't recognize that they are deployed.


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Re: ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2022, 09:30:43 PM »
"detecting the hardpoints" is not terminology used within VoiceAttack itself; are you referring to a feature of a third-party plugin?

Were you previously using the third-party "EDDI" plugin, perhaps?


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Re: ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2022, 12:42:32 PM »
Hm, this sounds promising. Now I need to remember how to install EDDI & then configure it.  If I figured it out once then I can figure it out again.



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Re: ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2022, 08:58:43 AM »
I was using EDDI before so have installed it but can't determine how to get the hard point, cargo hatch, etc. check to happen.  I see there is a hardpoint monitor in EDDI and that VA has a variable to store the hardpoints status but I'm at the end of my understanding and can't figure out how to troubleshoot further.  Any ideas?


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Re: ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2022, 09:15:58 AM »
As far as I'm aware, though not from first-hand experience, if you have the EDDI plugin installed and enabled, it should automatically execute commands based on ingame events, provided those commands have a specific name:
Quote from:
Whenever EDDI sees a particular event occur it will attempt to run a script. The name of the script depends on the event, but follows the form:

((EDDI <event>))

with the <event> being in lower-case. For example, if you wanted VoiceAttack to run a script every time you docked you would create a script called ((EDDI docked)) (note the lower-case d at the beginning of docked).
"script" in this case refers to a VoiceAttack command.

There is an event listed for "Hardpoints", though I don't see one for "Cargo hatch", so that may not be entirely what you need.

For more detailed information, you may want to contact the developers of EDDI, who are reportedly present on this Discord.


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Re: ED Hardpoint check no longer occurring
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2022, 10:24:35 AM »
"if you have the EDDI plugin installed and enabled"

I do now!  Thanks for the reminder about having to tell VA to use the EDDI plugin!  Going to go test things now.