Author Topic: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous  (Read 11136 times)


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PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« on: May 09, 2016, 04:43:47 PM »
Just a heads up for anyone who uses VA in E:D, specifically with the side panels and tab movements. Originally tabs would remain in the game where you put them. In one of the earlier 1.x updates they changed it so that jumping caused a reset to the first tab on both panels. This was before the voice packs really began to take off, and I've been told that they use that reset in the logic. I found in the current beta for 2.1 E:D that the tabs stay put again, so if the script you're using makes an adjustment for that jump, it's no longer there and tabs are going to be out of order.

I can't suggest a fix because I don't have one of the voice packs, just my own. Maybe someone who does and is in the beta can post either sample code or what to delete or add for anyone who might come here wondering why their stuff is breaking.


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2016, 06:11:44 PM »
Thanks for the info.  I've only messed with the beta for a few minutes - not enough to realize they'd changed it again.  I will definitely modify my profile accordingly.

I can't help with the voice pack profiles either.  I wrote my own profile.  I purchased the original voice pack (Astra, I think it is called?) back when it first came out but haven't used it in a long time.  I prefer using TTS with a voice I purchased from Ivona.


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2016, 09:07:55 AM »
Further update: Two other things have been changed that would affect a VA profile.

One is an easy fix, much like the one mentioned for the side panels. They've added an extra prompt on the Systems tab, so you don't just click on a module now to toggle it, you have to click on it, then choose. Not sure what the intention of adding that extra step is, maybe future things, but for now, just adding another key press for the selection should work.

The other is a bigger problem. I haven't looked at the update today, but didn't see it mentioned. When looking at Contacts the station for a long time has always been the first one on the list, making it easy to use a script to select that one for the request docking prompt. So far in beta, any players within range will pop up first on the list, and of course there's no way to tell VA the difference, so this breaks that functionality. I've reported it already, seen others do the same, so let's hope that they'll revert back and maybe it's just the side effect of something else and not on purpose. I made a point in my report that a lot of people are now using the voice packs, and breaking things like this won't go over well...especially when one of the was done with the help of one of their own (Verity).

Keeping an eye on others as things progress.


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 02:45:17 PM »
...I found in the current beta for 2.1 E:D that the tabs stay put again...

Finally got around to spending some time with E:D.  I'm also using 2.1 beta but my experience is slightly different from yours.  If I enter super cruise, my tabs will stay put.  If I do a hyper jump, they reset to the first tab, like before.  So now I'll have to modify my profile so VA can track which action I'm taking and decide whether to reset the tabs.  Of course, it being beta, I'm going to make a copy of my current profile first, in case the devs decide to revert the change they made.

As for the station listing no longer being first in the list of Contacts, I don't see a way to fix that.  Like you, I can only hope they'll revert that change, or fix it if it wasn't intentional.  For right now, I'm doing the docking request manually.


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 05:44:45 PM »
Good catch. I've been stuck in a system most of the time, and made an assumption that it would act the same with either jump. That makes it complicated. Bleh, hope they pick one or the other and stick with it again. I actually think leaving the tabs alone makes more sense for anyone, macros or not.


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2016, 07:56:03 PM »
I actually think leaving the tabs alone makes more sense for anyone, macros or not.

I agree 100%.  I never understood why they changed it in the first place.


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #6 on: May 30, 2016, 01:45:10 PM »
Just a followup now that 2.1 is out and running. So it gets interesting. The problem with the Contacts tab and players being above the station still persists. But more importantly, the tabs resetting is worse now. Instead of either doing it or not, now if you jump into supercruise, it doesn't reset them, but if you go into hyperspace, it does.

The simplest work around that I have found is to now have commands for either and retrain myself to remember. We'll see if it changes again. :/


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Re: PSA for profiles with Elite:Dangerous
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2016, 01:41:20 PM »
Hi all - new to Voice attack and this forum

bought the vega hcs pack and whilst most stuff is ok - i do seem to be having the problem with the side panels and tabs mentioned above
has anybody found a fix for this yet ?


ps - i'm running Horizons 64bit version on windows 10