What do you mean by "with out use the NumPad key"?
If you're looking to make the output dynamic based on a spoken number, rather than using a set of predefined keypress actions, that could look something like
Set text [~output] to '{TXTNUM:"{CMD}"}'
Start Loop : Repeat [{EXP: 5 - {TXTLEN:~output}}] Times
Set text [~output] to '0{TXT:~output}'
End Loop
Start Loop : Repeat From 0 to [{EXP:{TXTLEN:~output} - 1}], using indexer [~i]
Set text [~outputChar] to '[NUM{TXTSUBSTR:~output:~i:1}]'
Press variable key(s) [~outputChar] and hold for 0,05 seconds and release
End Loop
Which will take a spoken number up to five characters long, prepend zeroes if the input is less than five characters long, and type the input using the appropriate numpad keys.
If you're using a script to interface with a game, it's up to you to determine which options are available from within that script for communicating with an external application.
VoiceAttack can send keypresses (and mouse input), write to a file, run an application, or perform a HTTP GET request, using native actions.
If you are familiar with C# (or VB.NET), you could also add additional methods using a plugin or inline function.