Hi !
So you want VoiceAttack to trigger himself the microsoft speech recognition to show numbers or to use the mouse grid feature ?
For the mouse, you can cheat :
To move your mouse in a command, simply click on the left button "Mouse >" and then "Move".
With the "move to coordinates", you can create yourself the 9 positions in your screen to recreate a grid of 3 by 3.
So with 9 "IF" in your command, you could make something working.
But show numbers, VoiceAttack can't do that, and I don't know how to communicate with M. S. Recognition with third-party programs.
There, one respond of Pfeil about a close subject (if I understood well):
For a full mouse substitute for normal desktop use(I.E. not in games), I have to recommend the built-in Windows Speech Recognition app.
It can click many UI elements by name, or show numbers on top of them so you can speak the numbers(scroll to the "Commands for Windows and apps" section), and it can show a grid onscreen so you can move to a given square(scroll to "Commands for using the mouse").
However, because VoiceAttack and this app both need to use the microphone, and perform actions in response to voice commands, it is not recommended to run them simultaneously. You can certainly try, but things may not work as expected.