You can right-click the action list and choose "Copy All as Text", then paste that into a code block (click the # button) here.
However, if you're setting an integer variable that's not going to work for the variable pause action as that takes a Decimal variable (as the dialog and the documentation mention).
In addition, if you reference the same variable multiple times without explicitly changing its value, each action will retrieve the exact same value.
You need to use the "Set a Decimal Value" each time you want to generate a different value; Variables just store a static piece of information, so when the "A random value" option sets the variable to a random value, the value it generates is stored in the variable, it doesn't mean the value is random each time you retrieve it.
For random keypresses, the simplest way would probably be to set a text variable to the output of the "{TXTRANDOM:}" token (note that as mentioned in the documentation, tokens output text; They are not variables).