Author Topic: Having a odd problem, and I don't know why.  (Read 3695 times)


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Having a odd problem, and I don't know why.
« on: August 06, 2016, 12:31:24 PM »
I thought I finally, completely found a solution to something last night. It works great, except for one thing.

Either I'm doing this the wrong way, and there is a better way, or.....

Basically, I'm using {ACTIVEWINDOWTITLE}, when I switch to a window, it checks the {ACTIVEWINDOWTITLE} and switches profiles based on the {ACTIVEWINDOWTITLE}.

Everything works great till I switch from Opera, to a tab in Opera. The problem is, each windows title ending with Opera.

So, One window always starts with Edit, but it also contains Opera at the End, and the other is always Random, with Opera at the End.

So, how I'm doing this is, I set the command to Continuously repeat. When it switches to the profile, it starts running my Auto Switcher command. So, switch, run, switch run. I want it Automated. Continuously repeat seems the only way I know how to do it. Now, it works great, uses barely any processing power to continuously run in the background.

Right up to I switch to the Opera window that starts with Edit, and also Ends with Opera.

The mouse starts glitching, by no longer being smooth in movement, and my stereo receiver led screen starts flashing. I have no idea why it would be effecting my receiver. It has to be the conflict between the two similar windows titles. VA always switches the profile, but when it switches to the Edit window, it goes nuts.

There are no keys being used for this script.

Here's a picture of the script in question.


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Re: Having a odd problem, and I don't know why.
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2016, 04:37:38 PM »
I figured out the problem. Because it see's Opera in the title, it instantly trying to switch to the Opera profile, and gets stuck in between.

So, I'm run a AHK script to strip Opera off the end of all my Edit windows, but because I can't seem to use wildcards to do it in AHK, I have to write out the names for each in full.

Now, when I switch to the windows, AHK instantly strips Opera off the end removing the Conflict. Allowing for the Profile to Switch every time I switch windows.

Maybe in future updates there will be more flexibility for a issue like this.

I'm just glad I can do it at all. :)