As far as I can tell through my research, this command doesn't exist, but many people wish it did. I'm one of those people.
I just got voice attack recently. Based on my reading and what I've experience using it, it is possible to for Voice Attack to use variables in-game to fulfill commands/make binary decisions.
For instance, if I say "target powerplant", it can distinguish the subsystems from one another until it arrives at "powerplant".
So by the same logic, one would think that I could target my destination, enter supercruise, say "supercruise assist", and then it should be able to find the target in the nav panel one way or another (for example a targeted destination is always contained within "<" and ">" symbols within the nav panel display so perhaps this could be the method by which to select the correct destination) and then enable supercruise.
I understand that the EDDI plugin can pass current in-game variable information to and from, but I don't see the variable anywhere on the list of possible variables: the variable doesn't exist?
On the other hand, I don't see a variable anywhere explaining how it knows how to target a subsystem on an enemy ship, yet it's able to do it (I realize that this command is native to voice attack HCS voicepacks). Is there another way to make this happen?
This should be an easy command for me to write once I know how to retrieve that one piece of information, but not sure if it's even possible.
Anyone have ideas, opinions, or thoughts on this?