Thanks so much for figuring this out. I didn't even know that was possible with VA. I get the jist of what you are saying, but my knowledge in setting up this code is severily lacking. Could you give me some basics to get me started and I might be able to figure out the rest? The design would be something like this...
***Right Twist
Twist +(00 to 25)% = [key press] 500ms repeat
Twist +(26 to 50)% = [key press] 333ms repeat
Twist +(51 to 75)% = [key press] 250ms repeat
Twist +(76 to 100)% = [key press] Hold (release outside of range)
***Left Twist
Twist -(0 to 25)% = [key press] 500ms repeat
Twist -(26 to 50)% = [key press] 333ms repeat
Twist -(51 to 75)% = [key press] 250ms repeat
Twist -(76 to 100)% = [key press] Hold (release outside of range)
Any help is much appreciated!