I think this is fixed now...
It is, as far as I can tell
When you are referring to, '{STATE_SHORTCUTKEY}' are you just talking about the keys that were pressed to invoke the command? There would have to be multiple tokens for that... {STATE_SHORTCUTKEY}, {STATE_SHORTCUTKEY_WIN}, {STATE_SHORTCUTKEY_CTRL}, etc. The modifiers would be '0' or '1'. Am I on base here?
Hmm...I haven't yet had a need for a trigger using modifiers; I tend to use a single key.
Modifiers also make the use of "Shortcut is invoked only when all keys are released" more likely, which is mutually exclusive with holding down keys.
I don't see what tokens like "{STATE_SHORTCUTKEY_WIN}" would add; You can't infer whether the shortcut has a certain modifier from it, so they're essentially the same as "{STATE_KEYSTATE:WIN}".
Either way, I feel having the token return true while
all shortcut keys are held down would work well enough for most scenarios, as you can still check the individual keys using the normal "{STATE_KEYSTATE:}" token if you need to go more in depth.
Additionally, should multiple shortcuts for a single command become a feature in the future(say in case you want LWIN + X and RWIN + X to do the same), the token in that form could work for all of them.