This is what is in the status.json file
{ "timestamp":"2020-05-02T11:40:00Z", "event":"Status", "Flags":153157645, "Pips":[2,8,2], "FireGroup":0, "GuiFocus":5, "Fuel":{ "FuelMain":64.000000, "FuelReservoir":1.160000 }, "Cargo":728.000000, "LegalState":"Clean", "Latitude":-69.186638, "Longitude":86.546265, "Heading":0, "Altitude":0 }
if the original code uses Flags, to find where to match from the list, if I were to expand the list to indicate what the different number string mean would that met the requirement?
I am trying to have it know which system is using what pips and how many are being used? Or am I still missing what you are trying to tell me.
Maybe this is not the best system to use for what I want?
and nt pipsSectionStart = statusInfo.IndexOf("\"Pips")+ 8; is the error I did find in the 2 hours.
Either way thanks, I am trying to learn, albeit in a backwards way, but at my age its not easy.