Author Topic: How do I get VA to activate command on keyboard modifier+joystick combos?  (Read 1430 times)


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Example: Ctrl + Button 3

When I select the checkbox for "When I press a button" I can select the button for the joystick but not a keyboard modifier to combine with it. And if im understanding it correctly selecting the "When I press a key" box and adding say "Ctrl" to the box would not alleviate the problem as it would trigger on any press of Ctrl correct? I want this command to exclusively activate only when I press the Ctrl + joystick button 3 together. Is this possible from within VA alone?


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Re: How do I get VA to activate command on modifier+joystick combos?
« Reply #1 on: December 25, 2018, 11:33:46 AM »
To do this you'll have to trigger the command on one, and use a condition to check for the other.

If you have the "When I press button" option set to button 3, add this to the top of your command:
Code: [Select]
Begin Device State Check :  Keyboard Key 'Ctrl' Is Pressed
End Condition - Exit when condition not met
This means the command will be executed(you'll see it in the log), but not actually do anything beyond checking for Ctrl, before exiting.

If you want to also have a command execute when Ctrl is not pressed, you can have have the actions for both possibilities in the same command and use the condition to execute either branch, or invert the condition and have two separate commands(one key/button press can trigger many commands).

If it bothers you that the command appears in the log each time you press the button, you can use the "Ignore an Unrecognized Word or Phrase" action to hide it(despite the name and description in the action list, all it does is hide the command execution from the log).


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Re: How do I get VA to activate command on keyboard modifier+joystick combos?
« Reply #2 on: December 25, 2018, 11:39:43 AM »
Thank you, you are a life saver! Couldn't wrap my head around how to do it, didn't realize there was a device state check option in the conditional statement dialogue box. Thanks a ton and merry christmas.

Usage info for anyone it may help or is curious. I have voice activated commands in Elite Dangerous for certain toggleable  ship features like the Cargo Scoop that have booleans attached to them (i.e cargoScoopDeployed) that change given the state. However sometimes I may not use the verbal commands and just hit the buttons for it instead out of pure preference. For VA to keep up with the state though I still need to alter the boolean even though the action is manual, thus I needed to map commands to react to the manual controls which happened to be Ctrl+Joy3.