Author Topic: [Control+Alt+ specific keyboard key] Command (usefull for OBS)  (Read 3569 times)


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  • Posts: 17
What you want to do with this command is run it with any "start up" commands that you have. This way you will have a variable keypress stored for every key on the keyboard (using CTRL+ALT[(Specific Key])

its very useful with OBS when you want to keep track of what keys you have already used for a specific hot key.

Just make sure you rename the ctrlAlt* to something that makes sense.

EX: rename ctrlAlt* to -> "Scene #1"

now you will know what combo you use when you switch to that scene, and you will also know that the specific key combo has already been used (to help prevent multiple key combos going off at once).

any questions feel free to message me