Updated inline function for
AVCS CORE Push-To-Talk system. In the previous version, I had not known that Joystick POV directional buttons where handled differently than buttons, etc., and had not included code to monitor for them. I had also failed to include a check for 'already saved' PTT buttons, which allowed the same key/button/etc. to be set for multiple saved PTT buttons (1-6).
This inline runs in parallel with other VoiceAttack actions outside this inline function in the actual command containing them, to allow for user interaction while this inline is running - from button presses on request to 'save' a PTT button, or voice commands to exit such as "Cancel", or exiting on timeout for no user input.
This modification denies duplicate buttons, and also loops though each potential Joystick and each potential POV on them to check for a non-centered position state, and detect which direction is pressed (4-way only), saving a text variable of the Joystick # and POV # with a colon just before the actual direction pressed.
For example: ExampleSavedPTTbutton#1 = Joystick1POV1:LEFT
Later, I can loop through any saved PTT buttons and split at the colon to check if that Joystick POV is not centered, and then check if it is matching the split(1) direction in the PTT button monitor (interruptible) infinite loop system.
On pastebin:
https://pastebin.com/eg19yc2e' Push to Talk Button Inline-Function for VoiceAttack v3 - Get/Set any Keyboard/Mouse/Joystick Button as a PTT Button
' by SemlerPDX Jan2021/Oct2021
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Imports System
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports System.Windows.Forms
Public Class VAInline
dim mouseButtons() as string = {
dim gamepadTriggers() as string = {"LEFTTRIGGER","RIGHTTRIGGER"}
dim buttonsAlreadySetList as New List(Of String)
dim buttonsAlwaysDownList as New List(Of String)
dim buttonsAlwaysDown as boolean = False
dim buttonDown as string = ""
dim buttonCheck as string = ""
dim checkPOV as string = ""
dim buttonSet as boolean = False
dim userReady as boolean = False
dim counter as integer = 0
dim keyCheck as string = ""
dim keyString as string = ""
dim keyCode() as string
dim kc as KeysConverter = new KeysConverter()
dim activeProfile as string = "CORE"
dim debugCheck as boolean
dim debugCount as integer = 0
Private Function SendDebugMessage(ByVal debugText as string, ByVal debugColor as integer)
'1=Blue - 2=Green - 3=Yellow - 4=Red - 5=Purple - 6=Blank - 7=Orange - 8=Black - 9=Gray - 10=Pink
if ((VA.GetText("AVCS_Debug_QMSG")) isNot nothing)
debugCount = VA.GetInt("AVCS_Debug_QMSG")
end if
debugCount += 1
VA.SetText("AVCS_Debug_TMSG_" + debugCount.ToString(), debugText)
VA.SetInt("AVCS_Debug_WCLR_" + debugCount.ToString(), debugColor)
VA.SetInt("AVCS_Debug_QMSG", debugCount)
vaProxy.Command.Execute("f_core_debug -log", true)
VA.WriteToLog("AVCS ERROR: PTTGET02 - f_core_debug null - restart VoiceAttack or create bug report", "red")
end try
debugCount = 0
end function
Private Function BuildPTTkeysList()
for keyIndex as integer = 1 to 6
'Check for PTT buttons already set
if ((VA.GetText("AVCS_" + activeProfile + "_PTTBUTTON_" + keyIndex.ToString())) isNot nothing)
buttonCheck = VA.GetText("AVCS_" + activeProfile + "_PTTBUTTON_" + keyIndex.ToString())
end if
end function
Private Function BuildAlwaysDownList()
'Mouse Buttons Baseline State Loop
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYMOUSEDOWN}")) <> "0")
for m as integer = 0 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{"+ mouseButtons(m) +"}")) <> "0")
buttonsAlwaysDown = true
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("MOUSE BUTTON ("+ mouseButtons(m) +") DISREGARED AS ALWAYS DOWN", 4)
end if
end if
end if
'Keyboard Key Baseline State Loop
for k as integer = 1 to 254
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYKEYDOWN}")) <> "0")
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString())
buttonsAlwaysDown = true
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") DISREGARED AS ALWAYS DOWN", 4)
end if
end if
end if
'Joystick Button Baseline State Loop
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1")
'Joystick Buttons Baseline "Pressed" States
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ANYBUTTON}")) <> "0")
for i as integer = 1 to 128
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString())
buttonsAlwaysDown = true
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " DISREGARED - POSSIBLE DUAL STAGE TRIGGER", 4)
end if
end if
'Joystick POV Buttons Baseline States (4-way only)
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POVENABLED}")) = "1")
for i as integer = 1 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + "TYPE}")) = "4")
'Loop though this Joystick POV 1-4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + "}")) <> "CENTER")
checkPOV = vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + "}")
buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV)
buttonsAlwaysDown = true
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " POV " + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " DISREGARED", 4)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
'Joystick as Gamepad Baseline Trigger States (with 20 of 255 as 'deadzone')
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ISGAMEPAD}")) <> "0")
for t as integer = 0 to 1
if (IsNumeric(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}")))
if ((Convert.ToInt32(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}"))) > 20)
buttonsAlwaysDownList.Add("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t))
buttonsAlwaysDown = true
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("Always Down " + gamepadTriggers(t), 3)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End function
Private Function GetReverseMouseButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
'Check Always Down Mouse Button for "Unpressed" state
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
if (buttonAlwaysDown.EndsWith("MOUSEBUTTON"))
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")) = "0")
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown 'changed from buttonCheck Sept2021
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE MOUSE BUTTON (" + buttonDown + ") SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
Private Function GetMouseButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
'Mouse Button Current States
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYMOUSEDOWN}")) <> "0")
for m as integer = 0 to 4
if (buttonSet = false)
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{"+ mouseButtons(m) +"}")) <> "0")
buttonCheck = mouseButtons(m)
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- MOUSE BUTTON (" + mouseButtons(m) + ") SET", 2)
end if
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("MOUSE BUTTON (" + mouseButtons(m) + ") DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
end if
end if
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("MOUSE BUTTON (" + mouseButtons(m) + ") SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
Private Function GetReverseKeyboardKey(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
'Check Always Down Keyboard Key for "Unpressed" state
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
if (buttonSet = false)
if (buttonAlwaysDown.StartsWith("STATE_KEYSTATE"))
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")) <> "1")
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE KEYBOARD KEY (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
Private Function GetKeyboardKey(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
'Keyboard Keys Current State Loop
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_ANYKEYDOWN}")) <> "0")
for k as integer = 1 to 254
if (buttonSet = false)
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
buttonCheck = "STATE_KEYSTATE:" + k.ToString()
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") SET", 2)
end if
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
end if
end if
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("KEYBOARD KEY (virtual-key code " + k.ToString() + ") SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
'Check Always Down Style Joystick Buttons for "Unpressed" state
Private Function GetReverseJoystickbutton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1")
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
if (buttonSet = false)
if (buttonAlwaysDown.StartsWith("STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString()))
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")) = "0")
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown 'changed from buttonCheck Sept2021
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") HAS BEEN SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
'Standard Button Current "Pressed" state
Private Function GetJoystickButton(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1")
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ANYBUTTON}")) = "1")
for i as integer = 1 to 128
if (buttonSet = false)
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString() + "}")) = "1")
buttonCheck = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "BUTTON:" + i.ToString()
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " SET", 2)
end if
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
end if
end if
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " BUTTON " + i.ToString() + " SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
'Check Always Down POV for "Unpressed" state
Private Function GetReverseJoystickPOV(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POVENABLED}")) = "1")
for i as integer = 1 to 4
checkPOV = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString()
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
if (buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(checkPOV))
for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
if (buttonSet = false) and (buttonAlwaysDown.StartsWith(checkPOV))
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + checkPOV + "}")) = "CENTER")
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonAlwaysDown
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + " POV (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") HAS BEEN SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
'Check Joystick POV for "Pressed" state
Private Function GetJoystickPOV(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POVENABLED}")) = "1")
for i as integer = 1 to 4
if (buttonSet = false)
if ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString() + "TYPE}")) = "4")
checkPOV = vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString() + "}")
if (checkPOV <> "CENTER")
buttonCheck = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.toString() + ":" + checkPOV
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " SET", 2)
end if
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
end if
end if
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK " + d.ToString() + "POV" + i.ToString() + ":" + checkPOV + " SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
'Check Always Down Triggers for "Unpressed" state
Private Function GetReverseJoystickTrigger(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if (((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1") and ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ISGAMEPAD}")) = "1"))
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
for each buttonAlwaysDown as string in buttonsAlwaysDownList
if (buttonSet = false)
if (buttonAlwaysDown.EndsWith("TRIGGER"))
if (IsNumeric(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}")))
if ((Convert.ToInt32(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{" + buttonAlwaysDown + "}"))) < 20)
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_ptt_reverse", true)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("(DST)- REVERSE JOYSTICK GAMEPAD " + d.ToString() + " TRIGGER (" + buttonAlwaysDown + ") HAS BEEN SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
'Check Triggers for "Pressed" state
Private Function GetJoystickTrigger(ByRef buttonSet as boolean)
for d as integer = 1 to 4
if (((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ENABLED}")) = "1") and ((vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + "ISGAMEPAD}")) = "1"))
'Gamepad Triggers Current State (with 20 of 255 as 'deadzone')
for t as integer = 0 to 1
if (buttonSet = false)
if (IsNumeric(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}")))
if ((Convert.ToInt32(vaProxy.Utility.ParseTokens("{STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + "}"))) > 20)
buttonCheck = "STATE_JOYSTICK" + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t)
if ((buttonsAlwaysDown) and (buttonsAlwaysDownList isNot nothing))
if (not(buttonsAlwaysDownList.Contains(buttonCheck)))
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK GAMEPAD " + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + " DISREGARED - DISCOVERED ON LIST", 4)
end if
end if
buttonSet = true
buttonDown = buttonCheck
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("JOYSTICK GAMEPAD " + d.ToString() + gamepadTriggers(t) + " SET", 2)
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
End Function
Public Sub Main()
if (VA.GetBoolean("AVCS_Debug_ON") IsNot nothing)
debugCheck = VA.GetBoolean("AVCS_Debug_ON")
end if
if ((VA.GetText("AVCS_ACTIVE_PROFILE")) isNot nothing)
activeProfile = VA.GetText("AVCS_ACTIVE_PROFILE")
end if
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("inline begin....", 3)
end if
'Get Button/Key Baseline States
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", true)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("Always Down Array Complete", 3)
end if
'Begin a pause loop to wait for timeout or user input (key/button press or voice 'cancel' phrase)
while (not(userReady))
counter += 1
'Check for Timeout or TTS User Prompt Instructions complete
if ((VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")) isNot nothing)
userReady = VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")
end if
if ((counter >= 15) or (userReady))
if (userReady)
VA.WriteToLog("cancelled - command timed out... TTS or primary function error","red")
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("AVCS PTT SET cancelled - command timed out", 3)
end if
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
Exit sub
end if
end if
end while
'Reset counter for Keypress/Button monitor
counter = 0
userReady = false
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready", false)
'Begin a pause loop to wait for Joystick/Gamepad Input or spoken 'cancel/done' speech
while (not(userReady))
counter += 1
if (buttonSet = false)
end if
'Check for Input, Timeout or TTS User Prompt Instructions complete
if ((VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")) isNot nothing)
userReady = VA.GetBoolean("~avcs_user_ready")
end if
if ((counter >= 200) or ((buttonSet) and (buttonDown <> "")) or (userReady))
if ((buttonSet) and (buttonDown <> ""))
if (buttonsAlreadySetList isNot nothing)
if (buttonsAlreadySetList.Contains(buttonDown))
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
VA.SetText("~avcs_button_choice", "alreadyset")
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("ERROR - Existing PTT button has already been set to " + buttonDown, 4)
end if
Exit While
end if
end if
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
VA.SetText("~avcs_button_choice", buttonDown)
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("PTT button has been set " + buttonDown, 2)
end if
Exit While
elseif (userReady)
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
VA.WriteToLog("command cancelled - user input not detected","red")
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("AVCS PTT SET user input not detected", 4)
end if
Exit While
elseif (counter >= 200)
VA.SetBoolean("~avcs_getting_input", false)
VA.WriteToLog("command timed out... user input not detected","red")
if (debugCheck)
SendDebugMessage("AVCS PTT SET command timed out", 4)
end if
Exit While
end if
end if
end while
if ((buttonSet) and (buttonDown <> ""))
if (buttonDown.StartsWith("STATE_KEYSTATE:"))
keyCode = buttonDown.Split(":")
if (IsNumeric(keyCode(1)))
keyString = kc.ConvertToString(Convert.ToInt32(keyCode(1)))
keyString = keyString.Replace("Oem","")
VA.WriteToLog("PTT Button Set to " + buttonDown + " == " + keyString, "green")
VA.WriteToLog("PTT Button Set to " + buttonDown, "green")
end try
end if
VA.WriteToLog("PTT Button Set to " + buttonDown, "green")
end if
end if
End Sub
End Class