Can you clarify where this "song video" is playing?
To skip through a Youtube video, you need to have the tab containing the video selected(so it's displayed when the browser window is).
Make sure the video player has focus within the page, this is the default state when you open a Youtube video, but if you click the volume slider(or any part of the page that isn't the video), that will have focus instead.
To return focus to the player(without pausing the video), click the blank area between the play time and the settings gear:
Now you can send input to the player by setting the browser as the active window, and sending keystrokes.
Display window '*YouTube*' as [Show]
Press Right key and hold for 0,06 seconds and release
Basic hotkeys for Youtube are
- Spacebar for play/pause
- Up arrow for volume up
- down arrow for volume down
- right arrow to skip 5 seconds ahead
- left arrow to rewind 5 seconds
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