If what you want is to be able to speak a specific variation of a phrase, and determine which variation was spoken within the command, you can use the "{CMD}" token(to get the entire spoken phrase), or the "{CMDSEGMENT:}" token(to get a specific part of the spoken phrase).
E.G. if you have a "When I say" "[Hi;Hey;Hello] Jess", you can do the following:
Begin Text Compare : [{CMD}] Contains 'Hi'
Say, 'You said Hi'
Else If Text Compare : [{CMDSEGMENT:0}] Equals 'Hey'
Say, 'You said Hey'
Say, 'You said Hello'
End Condition
The first branch checks whether "Hi" occurs anywhere in the spoken command, the second checks whether the dynamic section chosen was exactly "Hey", the third just assumes that if neither of the above were chosen, it must logically be "Hello".
You're combining a number of concepts here: Dynamic Command Sections, Dictation Wildcards, and a Dictation wildcard-only token.
If you're defining all variations of the exact phrases you wish to speak, you don't need wildcards. Something like "*Hi jess" would allows you to speak "oh there you are hi jess" and potentially have the command recognized(though, because this relies on dictation, it's not very accurate in practice).
The "{CMD_BEFORE}" token would, in the above example, return "oh there you are", as that's the dictation before the actual command.
Dynamic Command Sections, I.E. the part between the square brackets("[" and "]") will automatically extrapolate the given variations and pass them to the speech engine.
The chosen variation can, as shown above, be determined using the "{CMDSEGMENT:}" token(which can only be used when there are dynamic command sections in the command name), or the "{CMD}" token(which always contains the entire spoken phrase when the command is triggered by speech).