Author Topic: Having to constantly repeat commands.  (Read 2721 times)


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Having to constantly repeat commands.
« on: November 16, 2017, 11:51:20 AM »
Hi Cmdrs ..Ive got myself really stressed out with my VA recently and it’s completely ruining my immersion and gaming experience.

Everything was fine, and has been running fine until I installed the beta singularity vap ...but I’m not sure that’s where the issue lies.

Recently, I am having to repeat myself progressively getting louder and louder until the commands are heard . They are being heard and in game if I’m in a quiet area like stationary or minimal background noise everything works fine.
But as soon as any background noise kicks in then my profiles are not responding until I reduce the background noise or use the “wake up “ command.

What I have tried.

Checked and done more speech recognition training approximately 7 full exercises done.

Checked and reconfigured the mic , tested output, it’s all working.

Deleted every single profile and uninstalled every single voice pack

Uninstalled VA and downloaded the latest stable version.

Re installed every voice pack vap, except for singularity, it just doesn’t work effectively enough for me in the beta version.

Checked Elite Dangerous audio settings, tried the different options and found that Night mode give the best performance in terms of getting commands heard, but it’s still hit and miss .

I’ve now run out of ideas as to where the issues can be...I even checked the output settings in discord...and I’m being heard convinced it’s not a hardware issue.

Just so you know, I use VA and HCS voice packs exclusively for Elite Dangerous and have done for a year...The experience is just being ruined by not being able to get it to run as smoothly as it was before the recent HCS  vap updates .

I run Win7 ultimate x64 which is fully up to date with 5.1 surround sound through a Stereo headset

Please help a frazzled Cmdr .


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Re: Having to constantly repeat commands.
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2017, 12:10:20 PM »
Did you start a new speech recognition profile, or only (re)train an existing one?

Gary recommends starting a speech recognition profile from scratch when this sort of thing happens.

You could also try enabling the "Disable Adaptive Recognition (useful for noisy environments)" option within VoiceAttack.

Click , you'll find that option in the "Recognition" tab.

EDIT: Fixed image links
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 04:46:22 PM by Pfeil »


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Re: Having to constantly repeat commands.
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2017, 01:21:27 PM »
I retrained the existing one...several times...I’ll try Re doing it from scratch and disable the adaptive recognition and report back .

Thank you for your swift response...appreciated


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Re: Having to constantly repeat commands.
« Reply #3 on: November 16, 2017, 03:03:00 PM »

You sir are a scholar and a gentleman...I made a new speech recognition profile, did 2 full runs of training on it and tested it in Elite...fabulous result...every command heard and responded to as it should be even at a higher game volume level than normal I’ll do another couple of training sessions tomorrow just to make sure .

Thank you very much