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Profile and Command Discussions / Re: Dictation Readback
« Last post by SemlerPDX on October 27, 2024, 01:39:44 PM »
Seems like Dictation Input is still enabled and running when you issue your readback command... is that what you wanted?  Cuz I would assume you'd want to stop Dictation so that your readback command can fire and let you know what was in the Dictation buffer - you can stop Dictation without clearing this buffer, and enable it once again when this command is completed, if you so desired.
Profile and Command Discussions / Re: Dictation Readback
« Last post by Pfeil on October 27, 2024, 08:29:09 AM »
VoiceAttack doesn't "auto-correct" anything. If the buffer is being appended, you're providing input to the speech recognition system that doesn't match a known command phrase.

If you're using speakers rather than a headset, what's likely happening is that the text-to-speech output is getting picked up by your microphone.
Profile and Command Discussions / Dictation Readback
« Last post by Charlie on October 27, 2024, 08:26:11 AM »
Good Morning,

I am trying to have the dictation buffer read back to me before I output the results.  What's happening is Voice attack appears to attempt to auto-correct my statement, and then attaches the statement automatically to the dictation buffer.  I didn't want anything attached after the readback, I just want to verify the output.  Is there a way to prevent this?

Feature Suggestions / More then four joysticks?
« Last post by Malic on October 27, 2024, 03:59:52 AM »
Currently Voice attack can only set up to four joysticks.  Is there any way to allow more?

As an example, I am currently running nine joystick devices on my flight sim cockpit alone, with plans to add at least three more to it (for now), so over half of the devices on it currently are not able to be setup to react to commands.

With VR announced for some games recently, the issue compounds as I would like the ability to also transfer to my dedicated race cockpit for wheeled vehicles, that has an additional four devices on it, so with everything plugged in, my computer will be seeing 16 joysticks.

I know this is edge case, but thought I would ask.
General Discussion / Re: Trojan:Win32/Vigorf.A
« Last post by Squiggly on October 20, 2024, 10:03:58 PM »
Ah, it's nothing to do with VA at all... Other people who bought computers from the same company are getting the same alert since yesterday too.

My bad, assumed it was VA because I haven't installed anything else recently and VA is a broad control type program.

I don't mind if this thread is deleted. Also, thanks for the reply Gary.
General Discussion / Re: Trojan:Win32/Vigorf.A
« Last post by Gary on October 20, 2024, 06:48:01 PM »
It would be a false positive, Squiggly - unless your .exe has gotten infected locally, it's a false positive.  You can have a look by uploading your .exe to and have it checked against a multitude of antivirus engines all at once.

What version of VA are you running?
General Discussion / Trojan:Win32/Vigorf.A
« Last post by Squiggly on October 20, 2024, 06:33:30 PM »

My windows defender is finding this. Maybe it's nothing to do with VA, but am asking incase it's a known / harmless false positive threat associated with VA...

So... is it?
Feature Suggestions / Re: VA for linux?
« Last post by ThatGuy539 on October 20, 2024, 10:17:52 AM »
I switched to almost 100% Linux since 2020.  And I've been popping in here every now and then since then to see if there's been any traction on adding a Linux client for this app.  I kind of got used to using it with HCS packs for Elite Dangerous.

It would seem that major issue is Voice Attack's reliance on the built-in speech recognition in Windows.  Some have gotten this to install and work in Linux, but not very well.  It doesn't learn your speech so it's pretty limited and frustrating to use.  And that's if you can get it installed and working at all....I haven't had any luck, but then without the speech learning ability, it's not really worth it.

I've found a few other speech to text apps that over the years that could work for entering keystrokes.  But they've been mostly complex to use, and problematic.

I "just" found this open source app for speech to text in Linux, and it seem promising.  Maybe the devs here can work it into a beta app for testing.  But ya, I just found it so I haven't looking into it much yet.   (

And it might be good to look into an alternative speech recognition app to use here in case Microsoft ever doesn't anything screwy with theirs.  All of your eggs are in one basket so to speak.

In any case if I find anything promising I'll try to remember to pop over here and mention it.  :)

PS:  More and more people are moving to Linux these days.   I've got my system running everything from old DOS games, to Win95 games, to XP and the newest.  With ray tracing graphics, and such with little to no effort.  It's just getting easier all the time.  Especially with apps like Steam's Proton, and Lutris. 
I guess you could call me a Windows guru.  I've been working in computers since the mid 90's, and "almost" exclusively MS OS's.  I know more about Widows in some cases than MS does.  MS has even posted some of the solutions to issues I've found on their site.  (They have good support people there, but there seem to be less and less of them every year.)  But my point is that I know Windows.   And I definitely feel that it will eventually be replaced by Linux.  And this will be a good thing, for reasons I won't get into here.  If you want to be future proof, you should be looking at expanding into Linux.  :)
Profile and Command Discussions / Re: Mouse move action for games like diablo 2
« Last post by SemlerPDX on October 19, 2024, 02:43:40 PM »
Yes, something like this would be pretty straight forward in VoiceAttack.  That said, given the latency between saying something, the recognition, and subsequent action, some commands are not particularly suited for voice commands including anything of a time sensitive nature.  If you say "Stop", and it does not react as fast as you could by releasing keys you have held down with your fingers, or move a mouse back to center or something, and your in-game character could potentially fall in a pit (for example), bad things could happen.

But this is certainly possible in VA.  Check out the VoiceAttack Help Manual (press F1 when VA is in focus), around page 120 - the chapter "Mouse Move Screen" discusses all the possible options.  In the VA Application, mouse-hover over options or fields in the Mouse Move action screen for details relative to them.

Create several voice commands for the various directions, or combine them into one by using dynamic command phrases and conditions which use tokens to evaluate what was said, and enact the appropriate Mouse Move action that you'd desire for that direction.  A final "Stop" voice command could reset the mouse to center easily enough, and/or anything else you'd need to do to stop movement in that game (I don't own it).

Best wishes and good luck!
Profile and Command Discussions / Mouse move action for games like diablo 2
« Last post by Daniel on October 19, 2024, 02:30:29 PM »
Hey all. Would it be possible to implement mouse move action commands for diablo 2? Essentially having four directions (similar to wasd), slightly moving away from the center of the screen, while clicking the mouse (for moving), either up down left right. Along with a stop command which could center the mouse again.

I actually found a diablo2 script for this through AutoHotKey, but for some reason VA can't execute those commands through voice, which made me think, maybe something similar can be made through VA itself? Instead of trying to make VA work together with the AutoHotKey program which was a disaster.
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