Author Topic: Known quirks (with certain applications)  (Read 4363 times)


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Known quirks (with certain applications)
« on: December 18, 2021, 05:42:22 PM »
The mouse cursor position cannot be set using specific coordinates in Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous

Positioning the mouse cursor using absolute coordinates is possible, but the game's input system is set up so that the ingame mouse cursor needs to already be visible in order to do so.

The input system for the game will only make the cursor visible if relative mouse movement is detected, which necessitates the use of a mouse move action's "Adjust the Mouse Cursor Location" section, with the "Move using relative data (useful for 3D games)" option enabled.
Moving a few mickeys in an arbitrary direction should make the ingame cursor visible.

That action should precede the normal mouse move action which can use the "Move the Mouse Cursor to a Location" section.
A pause action between these actions may be necessary.

The mouse cursor position cannot be set using specific coordinates in other games

If the game in question hides the mouse cursor when the mouse has not been moved for a period of time, first have a look at the "The mouse cursor position cannot be set using specific coordinates in Star Citizen or Elite Dangerous" section above.

Some games use an input system that only responds to relative mouse movement, and effectively decouple the actual mouse cursor you'd see on your desktop from the ingame mouse cursor (in some cases also forcing the mouse cursor to stay at the center of the screen).

Unfortunately, games that are designed this way will not respond to the mouse move action's "Move the Mouse Cursor to a Location" section.

If it all possible, using any other input method, E.G. keyboard keypresses, is preferred.

Should that not be possible, you can try to move the cursor using relative positioning.
By first moving the cursor into a corner of the screen - E.G. the top left corner, which on the primary screen is the origin point (I.E. 0, 0) of the cursor coordinate system - you may be able to gain a known position (in the same way a CNC machine like a 3D printer would), as the cursor cannot normally move beyond the edges of the game's window and/or the screen itself

After that, you can attempt to position the cursor at the position by moving it a given amount of mickeys starting from the chosen corner of the screen.
However, you may find that one mickey does not correspond to one pixel, and even that ingame mouse acceleration (or negative acceleration) and framerate can affect the position the ingame cursor ends up in, which may also differ between multiple attempts.

Using NVIDIA DSR ("Dynamic Super Resolution") causes VoiceAttack's text to shrink

VoiceAttack will adjust its GUI ("Graphical User Interface", I.E. what you see on your screen) scaling to the Windows resolution and scaling settings when it starts, or when it is moved between different monitors.
However, changing the resolution or scaling of a monitor while VoiceAttack is already running can cause the size of certain elements (usually text) to become mismatched.

(Re-)starting VoiceAttack after the resolution of scaling have been changed should adjust the GUI scaling correctly.

Applications/windows minimized to the system tray cannot be successfully used as a command target, or manipulated using the "Perform a Window Function" action

Minimizing to the system tray (the area in the Windows task bar, directly to the left of the system clock on the right-hand side) is not something Windows itself actually supports.
Because of this, applications have to "fake" the effect by adding an icon to the system tray, while hiding their actual window.

When a window is hidden in this manner, its existence will not be acknowledged by the Windows API functions normally used to retrieve information on it, and without that information, VoiceAttack (and other applications) cannot manipulate the window.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 09:40:57 PM by Pfeil »